Well, today was a driver’s day – not so many technical maneuvers, but lots of long hilly stretches holding precise speeds. We didn’t goof up anything at all today! Any variance from perfection is directly attributable solely to driver error (unlike previous days, if you catch my drift…). And overall, our score was… almost respectable. 22 seconds total, accounting for a time delay forced by a slow farm machine on one of those narrow hilly roads. The Feeneys won the day with an 8.2 second score! Hooray! (said without a single touch of envy).
Our Stage 3 Scores – Tolerable. Some 1’s and 2’s. Still No Aces
We began in New York’s Capital Region, but quickly moved up further, through Glens Falls and then into Vermont. I LOVE Vermont (Hey, it’s the home of Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream – that alone assures Vermont of a place in the pantry pantheon). Did you know Vermont is the only state where the default speed limit is 50, not 55 or more? I mean, it’s a small state, so what’s the hurry anyway? Also, Vermont has had the true cool to ban billboards and most big-box stores (Supercenters, just sayin’), so they still have real towns and real countryside. Gorgeous. Lots of cows making the makings for that ice cream, too! And TONS of solar-panel arrays (NOW I know why it’s called the GREEN Mountain state)! I offer these pix of what we saw, rather than only Great Race car scenes, partly because I know others do those, but also to help any of you who don’t do this with us, so you can get a little feel of the grand countryside and towns we get to drive through!
Potential Ice Cream, yet on the Hoof!
One of Many Solar-panel Farms we Passed – Keeping Vermont GREEN!
The day began with the departing clouds of drama that remained from our downtown deluge in Troy the previous eve. REALLY dramatic clouds (probably no picture would do them justice). But as we blasted up the Northway on a timing run, the skies cleared and gave us a beautiful Summer day!
Departing Clouds at Morning, near Troy, NY
Ah, The Beauty of a Clear Blue Sky in The Green Mountains of Vermont!
Lunch stop was the World HQ of Hemmings Motor News in Bennignton (one of may favored haunts, even off the Great Race – only an hour from our Pennywsie Plantation home). I’ve never seen it so packed with spectators. They cleared out part of the glorious Hemmings Garage for us, and served up a dandy sandwich lunch. Thanks, Jim Menneto & Co.
Chowing down for Lunch at Hemmings HQ, Bennington
Now one more pic you won’t see just anywhere, but it illustrates a critical component of a successful rally like this: the Gas Stops (well, really they’re potty stops, but we pretend the cars need fuel…). We make a mid-moring and mid-afternoon stop (and of course, there’s off-clock time at breakfast lunch, and dinner – so that’s at least 5 pee breaks a day! Y’know – there are a lot of old guys here and lots of them like their coffee… Here’s Pete LaMountain, gassing up. These Vermont pumps run cheap, too (look at the price!). Is THAT green?
I don’t have many other pix to share (Can’t take any while running in competition), but I will share a few here from off minutes (and from our arrival in Burlington, Vermont’s coolest, hippest, and maybe even cutest city).
Church St in Burlington, early arrivals
Dale with Bender, Church St. Burlington
Now a few words about one other VERY important fellow – our Chief Announcer Brian Goudge, aka Motormouth. He had to skip last year due to illness, but he’s back and Motormouth, We missed ya and we’re glad you’re back!
Motormouth at work (photo by Joe Roche)
Tomorrow, we’re out 90th, on an 8 AM start ,so not too early to rise (but we may be late for dinner). We have to decide if Bender is up for the Mt. Washington Auto Road. I think so. Do you?